Simon Peter: Chosen and called of Jesus to be one of the original twelve apostles. Denied Christ 3 times, as was prophesied, spent the rest of his life preaching until his own crucifixion.
Thomas: Chosen and Called of Jesus to be one of the original twelve apostles. Thomas means twin.
Judas Iscariot: Chosen and Called of Jesus to be one of the original twelve apostles. Jesus told Judas, who did not believe Him, that he would betray him. He betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver then hung himself.
Apostle: Meaning literally “one who is sent forth”. Those called of God to be His disciples on Earth during and after His ministry. Special witnesses of Jesus Christ throughout the world. The representation on earth of the Father in Heaven.
First Jesus told His apostles not to go to those who already had faith in him, “There is no need for a doctor for the healthy.”. He commanded them to go to the ‘Lost Sheep of Israel’, Those who no longer or who never knew the truth. He taught them to heal the sick and perform miracle sin the name of the Father so that people would believe on Jesus name. Jesus also taught them patience in dealing with the men of the world. He taught that there would be those who would reject them and despise them, but having faith in Him and charity towards all would demonstrate the most good. Service in the face of adversity is loved and admired of God and Jesus taught this to His disciples. Overall He taught them to be like Him, having charity and love towards all men.
When Jesus called the apostles Peter, James, and John they dropped everything that they were doing and followed him. There is nothing more simple than that very important action. What is stopping us in our lives from following our Savior? There should be nothing in our way, but constantly we find ourselves hesitating and second guessing. Our purpose in this life is to Follow Him, to become more like Him and to return to Him. We should use the example of Peter, James and John in our lives, Drop EVERYTHING and Follow Jesus Christ. Only through Him can we be saved and given eternal life.