Monday, September 13, 2010

John the Baptist

Many people overlook the important role that John the Baptist played in the life of the Savior and in our own lives. Sine before his birth John the Baptist was known as an elect child of God. In Luke 1:14 it was told to Zacharias, "And thou shalt have joy and gladness; and many shall rejoice at his birth.’ His birth and ministry was announced to his father Zacharias by the angel Gabriel. Zacharias knew that many people would herald the birth of his son, and that his son would bring much happiness to the children of men through his righteousness and faith in the Lord. His mother, the cousin of Mary mother of Jesus, was said to be barren though thru the mercies of God she begat John at about the same time the Mary Begat Jesus. John grew up unto God and at age 8 was given the GIft of the Holy Ghost and the power to know when the Holy Ghost would descend upon Jesus Christ. He was given the power to baptize and thus Baptized many people and then the Savior Himself. John was the first to see the Holy Ghost fall upon the Savior after baptism and was always a witness of the truthfulness of The Saviors Life. The bible dictionary states that, "...he was the last of the prophets under the law of Moses, He was the first of the New Testament prophets, and he brought the Aaronic Preisthood to the dispensation of the fulness of times." JOhn the Baptist was the way by which Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdry recieved the Aaronic priesthood, and therefore opened the Last Dispensation for the Fulness of TImes. HE is the way by which baptism was brought to this dispensation and his ministry filled his life to the very end. Therefor he fulfilled all the reasons why people would rejoice of his coming to this earth. he did so much for the Savior and for members of His true church.

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